Community Strategic Plan 2035

Help Shape the Future of Bourke Shire

The Bourke Shire Council is dedicated to fostering a prosperous future for the community by ensuring sustainable growth and development. As part of this commitment, the Council is undertaking a review of its 10-Year Community Strategic Plan (CSP) to align with the evolving needs and aspirations of residents.

What is the Community Strategic Plan?

The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) serves as a guiding framework that reflects the community’s long-term vision and priorities for the Bourke Shire. This plan is reviewed every four years following local government elections in New South Wales to ensure it remains relevant and responsive to the community’s needs.

As the highest-level planning document for the Council, the CSP outlines strategic objectives that define the desired future for the Shire and details how local government and other stakeholders will collaborate to achieve these goals over the next decade.

The CSP is structured around four essential questions:

  1. Where are we now? – Evaluating the current status of the community and its challenges.
  2. Community Consultation – Meet Council representatives in person at various community locations:
  3. Face-to-Face Consultation – Schedule an appointment to discuss your thoughts directly with Council staff. To book a meeting, call 6830 8000 or email

Why Your Input Matters

This plan isn’t just about what the Council wants—it’s about what you want for Bourke Shire’s future. Whether it’s better roads, more jobs, improved parks and recreation, or keeping the region’s unique identity alive, your feedback will help guide the decisions that shape our community.

We want to hear from everyone—locals, business owners, young people, families, and retirees—because the best way to build a strong future is to do it together.

How to Get Involved

Your participation is valuable and can be provided in multiple ways:

  1. Online Survey – Take a few minutes to complete the survey and share your insights. The survey closes on 7 March 2025.
  1. Community Consultation – Meet Council representatives in person at various community locations:
  2. Face-to-Face Consultation – Schedule an appointment to discuss your thoughts directly with Council staff. To book a meeting, call 6830 8000 or email
DateTimeGroup / VillageLocation
Thursday 13th February
06:30pmBourke BusinessPort of Bourke Hotel
Monday 17th February
10:00amSeniors – Morning TeaBourke Bowling Club – downstairs.
Tuesday 18th February
08:30amEnngonia – Village MeetingEnngonia CWA Hall
Tuesday 18th February
11:00amFords Bridge – Village MeetingWarrego Hotel
Thursday 20th February
10:30am – 12:30pmCommunity Survey - Pop Up StallOxley Street Bourke
Friday 21st February
08:00amBourke Shire Council Indoor StaffBSC Chambers
Friday 21st February
12:30pmBourke Shire Council Outdoor StaffBSC Depot
Saturday 22nd February
10:00am - 12:00pmCommunity Survey - Pop Up StallBack O’ Bourke Café deck/garden.
Tuesday 25th February
08:30amLouth – Village MeetingLouth Tennis Shed
Tuesday 25th February
01:00pmWanaaring – Village MeetingWanaaring Hall
Wednesday 26th February
09:30amBourke Schools – Youth MeetingBSC Chambers
Thursday 27th February
12:30pmByrock – Village MeetingMulga Creek Hotel
Thursday 27th February
05:30pmBourke – Village MeetingBack O’ Bourke Function Centre