Media Release / Public Notice

Files can be downloaded in .pdf format below:

10/12/24Public Notice – Arrangements to Council facilities and services for the Christmas / New Year period 2024 / 2025[95Kb]
2/12/24Public Notice – Draft Community Engagement Strategy incorporating Community Participation Plan[121Kb]
1/11/24Public Notice – Presentation of Financial Statements[124Kb]
29/10/24Media Release - Deconstruction of Timber Approaches – North Bourke Bridge[162Kb]
2/10/24Public Notice – Notice of Extraordinary Meeting of Council[108Kb]
1/10/24Public Notice – Declaration of Election – Bourke Shire Council[111Kb]
5/9/24Public Notice – Proposed Classification of Land as Operational Land[74Kb]
17/7/24Public Notice – Local Government Elections 2024[130Kb]
25/6/24Public Notice – Removal of Queensland Fig Tree in Tarcoon Street[98Kb]
6/6/24Public Notice – Davidson Oval Draft Master Plan[68Kb]
-Media Release – Tancred Drive Walking Track[119Kb]
15/5/24Media Release – Work In Bourke[214Kb]
-Media Release – Bourke and Louth Weirs[122Kb]
-Media Release – Bourke Fishing Reserve Improvements[205Kb]
1/5/24Public Notice – Road Naming Proposal[104Kb]
28/3/24Public Notice – Public Exhibition of 2024/2025 Draft Operation Plan[52Kb]
21/3/24Public Notice – Proposed Naming of the North Bourke Oval[208Kb]
7/12/23Public Notice – Bourke Shire Council Closures[82Kb]
1/11/23Public Notice – Presentation of Financial Statements[121Kb]
25/9/23Public Notice – Ordinary Meetings of Bourke Shire Council will be Held on the Following Dates[140Kb]
20/9/23Public Notice – Plans of Management for Crown Reserves[94Kb]
4/4/23Public Notice – Draft Operational Plan 2023/2024[179Kb]
3/2/23Media Release - Far North West Joint Organisation Tourism Marketing Campaign[161Kb]
20/12/22Media Release - Federal Disaster Assistance Extended In NSW[78Kb]
20/12/22Public Notice - Engagement of Electoral Commissioner[174Kb]
14/11/22Media Release - POSTPONED – Back O’ Bourke Stampede – Peter Simmonds Memorial Pro Rodeo[135Kb]
26/10/22Public Notice - Council Roads Traffic Alert[77Kb]
17/10/22Public Notice - Presentation of Financial Statements[122Kb]
6/10/22Media Release - POSTPONED – Back O’ Bourke Stampede – Peter Simmonds Memorial Pro Rodeo[129Kb]
23/5/22Media Release - Mayor Announces Leonie Brown as Bourke's New General Manager[109Kb]
4/3/22Public Notice - Review of Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities Policy and Code of Meeting Practice[99Kb]
20/1/22Media Release - Mayor Expresses Concerns Re Bail Outcomes… Again[107Kb]
2/12/21Public Notice - Uncontested Council Elections[85Kb]
12/10/21Public Notice - 2022 Australia Day Nominations Now Open[54Kb]
17/9/21Public Notice - Presentation of financial Statements[210Kb]
26/6/21Office of the Mayor - Open letter to all Bourke Shire Residents regarding COVID-19[339Kb]
22/4/21Public Notice - April 2021 Ordinary Meeting of Bourke Shire Council[111Kb]
21/1/21Media Release - 10 new citizens join in Australia Day celebrations[58Kb]
19/1/21Media Release - Lifting of water restrictions for the town of Bourke and North Bourke[241Kb]
4/1/21Media Release - Water restrictions eased from level two (2) to level one (1) for the town of Bourke and North Bourke[117Kb]
22/12/20Media Release - Bourke Pool re-opening unlikely this season[139Kb]
16/12/20Public Notice - Bourke Shire Council Christmas/New Year closures 2020/2021[1.1Mb]
15/12/20Media Release - Get Ready for Summer - Prepare and Plan Early for Seasonal Hazards[537Kb]
24/11/20Media Release - National Asbestos Awareness Week[137Kb]
9/11/20Media Release - Introduction of water restrictions for the town of Bourke (level 1)[819Kb]
23/10/20Media Release - NSW RFS Far West Team Notice of Hazard Reduction Works and Burn Bourke Levee[695Kb]
6/10/20Media Release - Health services concerns continue[581Kb]
18/9/20Media Release - Potential erosion in provision of bourke medical and health services[143Kb]
9/9/20Media Release - Discoloration of Filtered Water Supply[113Kb]
5/6/20Public Notice - Suspension of desalinated bore water trial period for Bourke and North Bourke[113Kb]
28/5/20Media Release - Extension of date for the payment of fourth rates instalment to the 5th June 2020[316Kb]
11/5/20Media Release - Bourke Shire Mayor thanks residents and calls for continued vigilance against virus[206Kb]
21/4/20Media Release - Bourke Shire Council and RDA Orana to host COVID-19 Business Webinar[71Kb]
8/4/20Media Release - Fixing country bridges funding to significantly improve road safety[142Kb]
8/4/20Media Release - Bourke Shire Council welcomes additional fixing country roads funding for Wanaaring road reconstruction and sealing works[144Kb]
7/4/20Media Release - Message from the Mayor of Bourke Shire "Residents need to stay home this Easter[481Kb]
7/4/20Public Notice - Waste collection for 2020 Easter period[56Kb]
2/4/20Public Notice - Bourke Shire Council Draft Operation Plan 2020-2021 & Delivery Program 2017-2021 Update[747Kb]
29/3/20Media Release - Closure of Council building to the public due to COVID 19 pandemic[78Kb]
24/3/20Public Notice - Closure of War Memorial Pool and tourism facilities[95Kb]
10/3/20Media Release - Roll out of electronic water meters in Bourke and North Bourke[146Kb]
2/3/20Media Release - Bourke Shire calls for urgent review of embargo on pumping south of the Culgoa river junction with the Barwon Darling river[127Kb]
25/2/20Media Release - Lifting of water restrictions for the town of Bourke and North Bourke[114Kb]
19/2/20Media Release - Water level one (1) restrictions for the town of Bourke & North Bourke[135Kb]
17/2/20Media Release - Bourke and North Bourke filtered water supply to be switched to bore water as first flush passes[106Kb]
28/1/20Media Release - Introduction of Water Level Three (3) Restrictions for the Town of Bourke and North Bourke[782Kb]
14/1/20Media Release - Discoloration of Water and Flushing of Water Mains[473Kb]
13/1/20Public Notice - Back O’ Bourke Visitor Information and Exhibition Centre renovations[33Kb]
17/12/19Media Release - Level two (2) water restrictions for the town of Bourke & North Bourke[124Kb]
15/11/19Media Release - NSW Cabinet heading to Bourke[72Kb]
4/11/19Media Release - Council allocates $250,000 to engage consultants to develop shovel ready projects to enhance the long term water security for towns and villages within its area along the Darling River[128Kb]
4/11/19Media Release - Level one (1) water restrictions in place for the town of Bourke and North Bourke[124Kb]
25/10/19Media Release - Prestigious A.R. Bluett Award for 2019 won by Bourke Shire Council[503Kb]
22/10/19Media Release - Councils call for action on water security along the Barwon Darling River System[174Kb]
16/10/19Media Release - Introduction of water level four (4) restrictions for the town of Bourke and North Bourke[189Kb]
27/8/19Media Release - Far North West communities to take off with return of passenger flights[133Kb]
16/8/19Media Release - One year since water has flowed over the Bourke weir[166Kb]
14/8/19Media Release - Introduction of water level three (3) restrictions for the town of Bourke and North Bourke[170Kb]
27/5/19Media Release - Water restrictions eased from level five (5) to level three (3) for the town of Bourke and North Bourke[127Kb]
16/5/19Media Release - Bourke Shire Council defers the decision to switch to 100% bore water supply for Bourke filtered water supply[293Kb]
14/5/19Media Release - Transfer of Bourke filtered water supply to 100% bore water[303Kb]
9/5/19Media Release - Bourke Shire Council to absorb a further large increase in emergency services levy in 2019/2020[231Kb]
9/5/19Media Release - Water consumption still high in North Bourke despite level five (5) water restrictions[222Kb]
7/5/19Media Release - Air Services Tender Update[128Kb]
26/4/19Media Release - Bourke Shire Council Tightens Water Restrictions to Level 5 and Above[507Kb]
25/3/19Media Release - Bourke Shire Council assures residents that bores will supply Bourke community's filtered water requirements[142Kb]
8/3/19Media Release - Bourke Shire Council assures residents that bores will supply Bourke community's filtered water requirements[220Kb]
8/3/19Media Release - Bourke Shire Council welcomes announcement of an additional $4.6 million for the Wanaaring Road reconstruction and sealing works[220Kb]
7/3/19Media Release - Council to commence water carting to village of Byrock[283Kb]
6/3/19Media Release - North Bourke residents advised of potential disruption to raw water supply[66Kb]
6/3/19Media Release - Previous record “cease to flow” period of 200 days for the Darling River at Bourke to be eclipsed today[72Kb]
12/2/19Media Release - $100K of Drought Communities Fund distributed throughout Bourke and Districts[449Kb]
11/2/19Media Release - Western Division of Councils Annual Conference to be held in Bourke 24th 25th and 26th February 2019[149Kb]
8/2/19Media Release - Update on initiatives being taken to implement a Water Security Plan for the town of Bourke[481Kb]
7/2/19Media Release - Call for an environment flow in the Barwon Darling River System[124Kb]
31/1/19Media Release - Failure of Bourke town water supply intake valve[127Kb]
29/1/19Media Release - Penalties able to be imposed for failing to comply with water restrictions[420Kb]
29/1/19Media Release - Introduction of water level four (4) restrictions for the town of Bourke and North Bourke[422Kb]
25/1/19Media Release - Bourke water supply has limited capacity and is approaching a critical level[99Kb]
16/1/19Media Release - Free entry to the Bourke Olympic Swimming Pool[121Kb]
9/1/19Media Release - Contractors and Labourers needed to undertake Drought Communities Extension Projects[646Kb]
8/1/19Media Release - Less than a week to nominate for the 2019 Bourke Australia Day Awards[765Kb]
8/1/19Media Release - Bourke Shire Council and community to take opportunity to clean up Darling River[97Kb]
8/1/19Media Release - Darling River at Bourke has now ceased to flow for 142 days[95Kb]
4/1/19Media Release - Drought Communities Extension Program[237Kb]
3/1/19Media Release - BSC generally pleased with level of compliance with level 3 water restrictions[216Kb]
17/12/18Public Notice - Proposal to lease buildings located within the Gold Club precinct[76Kb]
4/12/18Public Notice - Temporary changes to domestic and trade waste collections[318Kb]
20/11/18Public Notice - Presentation of financial statements[234Kb]